China possesses a rich cultural heritage and a long history, and the Dragon Boat Festival is a highly anticipated traditional holiday. This article will introduce the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival, the ways it is celebrated, and the traditional elements associated with Chinese culture, allowing you to experience this unique festive occasion.
READ MORESelf-studying Chinese is a challenging yet highly rewarding task. This article will share some effective methods and learning resources to help learners who want to self-study Chinese become more efficient and successful in their learning process.
READ MOREChinese listening comprehension is an important aspect of language learning and crucial for improving language proficiency. This article will introduce some effective methods to help learners enhance their Chinese listening skills, using HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) questions as examples to provide practical learning resources.
READ MORELearning a new language can be challenging, but it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience. If you're learning Chinese, there are some tips and tricks you can use to make the process easier and more enjoyable. Here are some of our top suggestions!
READ MOREChina is a fascinating country with a rich and complex history and culture. To truly understand and appreciate China, it's important to gain insights into its culture. Here are some key cultural insights that will help you understand and navigate the unique cultural landscape of China!
READ MORELearning a foreign language is not easy, in fact most people quit before they meet their learning objectives. Chinese language is no exception. So, what…
READ MOREHSK / 汉语水平考试; pinyin: Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì is China’s official Chinese language Proficiency test for non-native speakers like international students…
READ MOREChinese civilization is one of the world’s oldest continuous cultures spanning over 5000 years. It is no surprise that ancient Chinese wisdom is still popular…
READ MORE今回は中国語学習アプリ(app)として世界中で大人気・高評判の「Super Chinese(スーパーチャイニーズ)」について、評判、使い方(無料・有料課金)、レベルなど、まとめて紹介します。中国語を勉強する人にとっては心強い味方になると思うので、この機会に是非ダウンロードしてみましょう!!
READ MORE中国語学習者向けスマホアプリの中でも特に評価の高いSuper Chinese(スーパーチャイニーズ)のiPhone版レビューです。1ヶ月使ってみた結果、結論から言うと本気で中国語会話を学びたい人向けにかなりおすすめの学習アプリです。
READ MOREDuolingoやHello Chineseに飽きてきて何か別の学習アプリが欲しかったところ、タイミングよくSuper Chineseの紹介記事の依頼を頂いたのも切っ掛けです。(Super Chineseの存在自体は以前から知っていましたが...) というわけで、今回はSuper Chineseを使い始めた背景と他のアプリとの比較を交えたSuper Chineseの紹介をします
READ MORE今まで色々なアプリを試していますが、 その中でもオススメの「Super Chinese」を紹介します! 先に書いちゃいますが 「Super Chinese」のオススメポイントはこちらです。
READ MORE結論から言うとSuperChinese(スーパーチャイニーズ)は華東師範大学とのコラボ開発で誕生し、最新のAI技術を搭載した、AIを相手に中国語のトレーニングができる中国語学習アプリです。 本当の人ではなく「AI」を相手に会話をするので、中国語ができない恥ずかしさを感じることなく、中国語会話の実践経験を積むことができる中国語初心者〜中級者の方にもおすすめなアプリだと感じました。
READ MORE人気中国語学習アプリ・Super Chinese等を運営する上海語軒信息科技有限公司(CEO: 唐希)は、Super Chinese内にある中国語学習アプリとして唯一無二の存在であるトーク機能をアップデートしました。ここでは、Super Chineseがどういうアプリなのか、そして、トーク機能の特徴について紹介していきます。 ※トーク機能はアプリをダウンロード・登録さえすれば誰でも無料で利用できる機能なので、この機会に是非ダウンロードしてみましょう。
READ MORE여러분 안녕하세요~~~~! 다들 잘 지내고 계셨나요? 블로그에는 정말 오랜만에 글을 남기는 것 같아요! 이번에 제가 이웃님들께 좋은 중국어 학습 앱을 추천드릴 기회가 생겨서 기분 좋은 이벤트와 함께 앱을 소개해드리려고 해요!
READ MORE안녕하세요! 중국어 공부하는 제나룬입니다 오늘은 제가 중국어 학습을 하며 사용해 본 ‘슈퍼 차이니즈’ 앱 리뷰를 하려고 해요~ 사진과 영상, 상세 후기는 내용을 참고해 주세요!
READ MORE안녕하세요 :) 오늘은 중국어학습 어플 중에 괜찮은 어플이 하나 있어서 추천 포스팅을 해봅니다. 무료어플은 아니지만 꽤 유용하고 잘 만들어진 어플인 것 같아요. Super Chinese 슈퍼차이니즈 어플을 몇 개월 사용해보고 꽤 도움이 되는 것 같아 작성해보는 내돈 내산 후기 시작해봅니다!
READ MORE중국어 공부에 어려움을 겪는 분들을 위해 다운로드 100만회 이상에 달하는 #SuperChinese 를 소개해보려고 합니다. 중국어를 공부하면서 많은 공부app를 접해봤지만 이렇게 꼼꼼한 app는 처음 봐서 추천하고 싶었어요!
READ MOREDragon Boat Festival: Celebration of Chinese Culture and Traditional Holiday
How to Self-Study Chinese: Effective Methods and Learning Resources
Effective Methods to Improve Chinese Listening Skills
Chinese Language Learning Tips and Tricks
China Cultural Insights: Understanding Chinese Culture
Effective ways to master the Chinese language
中国語学習アプリSuper Chineseの評判や使い方を徹底解説
中国語学習アプリSuper Chinese1ヶ月体験レビュー
【中国語学習】勉強アプリを "Super Chinese" にシフトします!
ゲーム感覚で中国語が学べるアプリ「Super Chinese」!
【中国語勉強】人気中国語学習アプリ「Super Chinese」のトーク機能を紹介!
Super Chinese 슈퍼차이니즈 중국어공부 어플 추천
중국어 회화 공부 어플 추천(Super Chinese) 초급자도 가능!